Iraqi army tanks, armored personal carriers and other military vehicles lined the streets, as police and soldiers were deployed in force to scare away troublemakers. 伊拉克陆军坦克车、载人装甲车以及其它军用车辆排列在街道上。与此同时,警方人员及士兵全副武装部署在街上,以吓阻捣乱的人。
Some people worry the earthquake will scare away people. 还有些人担心这次的地震会把人吓跑。
You make serious face like this, you scare away good energy. 脸这么严肃,会把好能量吓跑的。
The Hani minority tale preached that the painted bulls would scare away tigers from wandering into their homes. 根据哈尼族的传说,最初彩绘牛是为了吓唬在附近游荡的猛虎。
Dust-begrimed streets damage a city's image and scare away tourists. 满是垃圾的街道破坏了城市形象,吓跑了游客。
These cats are there to scare away mice. 立瓦猫可不是为了吓老鼠。
When a male gorilla is in danger, he often tries to scare away his enemy with loud noises, but he usually does not stand up and beat his chest with his fists. 雄性狒狒处于危险之中时,常常竭力大声吼叫,吓跑敌人。但是,它一般不会站起来,用拳头捶打自己的胸部。
The custom of putting up red paper and firing fire-crackers to scare away Nian should it have a chance to run loose is still around. 张贴的红纸,烧防火鞭炮的习惯应该念吓跑它有机会运行宽松仍然存在。
Afghanistan has called on domestic and foreign media not to cover any violence on the day of the presidential election in case such reports scare away voters. 阿富汗呼吁国内国外媒体不要报道总统选举当天的任何暴力事件以免吓跑投票人。
Often exorcisms and purgations were performed with much noise as if to scare away the evil spirits. 通常驱邪与涤罪仪式都伴有响闹声,用以吓跑亡灵。
When his real laughter had subsided, he continued with simulated laughter in order to scare away the pain in his heart. 真笑完了,继以假笑,好把心里的痛吓退。
Banks forced to raise their capital bases will not want to scare away shareholders by loading up on Italian paper. 被迫充实资本基础的银行,可不想让自己购买意大利债券的举动把投资者吓跑。
An old man subdued Nian and told people to put up red paper decorations on their windows and doors to scare away Nian. 有个老人降服了年,并且告诉人们用红色的纸来装饰门窗可以吓跑年。
And at home, the economy needs the investment that Mr Ahmadinejad's threats scare away. 而在国内,伊朗的经济发展需要被内贾德的威胁吓跑的投资。
In olden times, jiaozi were thought to scare away evil spirits, misfortune and disease. 在旧社会,饺子被认为能驱赶魔鬼、厄运和疾病。
Some wedding flowers have a strong smell to scare away the evil spirits. 婚礼上有些鲜花气味很浓,可以吓跑这些恶魔。
The railway company feared it would scare away passengers. 地下铁公司担心这会吓跑乘客。
People keep a dog to scare away thieves. 人们养狗来吓走小偷。
On social issues, Mr Bush tilted far enough to the right to scare away secular and libertarian Republicans. 在社会问题上,布什的高度右倾姿态吓跑了信封世俗和自由主义的共和党人。
In the carved pumpkin face all kinds of people as well as a face, and lighting ( candles) to scare away the specter of the ghost ignited the guidelines was intended. 在南瓜上刻各种人面乃至鬼脸,并点灯(蜡烛)以寄寓指引幽灵离开吓跑鬼魂之意。
For some, fireworks are a solemn matter of superstition: the sound and light show is believed to scare away evil spirits and ensure an auspicious good year. 对一些人而言,爆竹是一种严肃的迷信:他们认为爆竹的声响和光亮能够赶走邪恶的神灵,并保证一个吉祥的好年。
They will scare away small birds. 它们会把小鸟吓跑。
The custom of putting up red paper and lighting firecrackers to scare away Nian continues today. 大众化[通俗]报纸贴红纸条,燃放爆竹吓跑怪兽年的风俗习惯一直延续到今天。
Your job isn't to scare away the bad guys, it's to attract the good ones. 你要做的不是去把坏家伙们吓跑,是吸引好家伙们。
Halloween's modern celebration retains historic roots in dressing to scare away the spirits of the dead. 现代万圣节的庆祝方式保留了为驱赶亡灵而化妆打扮的历史根源。
The celebration dates back to Celtic rituals where people tried to scare away spirits. 庆祝可以追溯到卡尔特人的驱鬼仪式。
Well, smoking people will scare away fierce dogs because they are usually humpbacked and dogs will think they are taking stones. 恩,抽烟的人能够吓跑恶狗,因为抽烟的人容易驼背,狗会以为抽烟者在捡石头。
But don't let pride scare away happiness. 但为了意气会丧失幸福的。
Grasping at help like a drowning swimmer tends to scare away the resources you've already got, as well as potential assistance. 像一位溺水者那样去抓帮助往往会把你已经获得的资源,以及潜在的吓跑。
Wear white to scare away bad spirits. 穿上白色的衣物来吓走妖魔鬼怪。